
Lesson 3 - Matter and Change

ST2. Matter - Obtain a "Skills Tutor Matter" handout from the file bin.  Login to Skills Tutor and complete the lesson while also answering the questions on the handout. Your username and password for Skills Tutor is your Student ID# and the "site" is atrisco01. When you have completed the assignment turn the handout in to Mr. Lovette.

L1. States of Matter Simulation - Obtain a "Lab: States of Matter" handout from the file bin.  Follow the directions to complete the lab, when completed turn in to Mr. Lovette.

ST3. Matter - Obtain a "Skills Tutor State of Matter" handout from the file bin.  Login to Skills Tutor and complete the lesson while also answering the questions on the handout. Your username and password for Skills Tutor is your Student ID# and the "site" is atrisco01. When you have completed the assignment turn the handout in to Mr. Lovette.