
Getting Started (First Day)

A1. First things first, I need you to send me an email to answering the questions below, In the Subject Line of the Email put your First and Last Name and then "Introduction"  Here is an example: John Smith - Introduction
         - What is your name (First and Last)?
         - What is your Student ID #?
         - What is your current grade level (sophomore, junior, etc.)?
         - What you like about school?
         - What you don't like about school?
         - Why do you want to take this credit recovery course?
         - What are you going to do to be successful at completing this course?

A2. Course Contract - Obtain a "Course Contract" from the folder labeled "Credit Recovery Contract" located in the File Bin.  Read the contract, and then take it home to have your parents review it with you.  Return it with both your parents and your signature.

A3. Ice Breaker - What's in a name?  As a way to introduce yourself to this course I want you to send me an email to describing yourself using a word or phrase that starts with each letter of your first name. In the Subject Line of the Email put your First and Last Name and then "What's in a name?"  Here is an example: John Smith - What's in a name?

Here is mine:
B - Broncos Fan
R - Religious 
E - Energetic
T - Tall
T - Total Sports Fanatic