
Welcome to Chemistry!

Welcome to Chemistry Credit Recovery.  Below you will find the pacing guide for the course.  This course is self-paced meaning that you can work ahead but must meet the minimum time requirements to complete each lesson.  Please note that if you continually fall behind you may be dropped from the course.

VL = Video Lecture
ST = Skiils Tutor Activity  
A = Assignment
L = Lab


Getting Started (First Day)

A1. First things first, I need you to send me an email to answering the questions below, In the Subject Line of the Email put your First and Last Name and then "Introduction"  Here is an example: John Smith - Introduction
         - What is your name (First and Last)?
         - What is your Student ID #?
         - What is your current grade level (sophomore, junior, etc.)?
         - What you like about school?
         - What you don't like about school?
         - Why do you want to take this credit recovery course?
         - What are you going to do to be successful at completing this course?

A2. Course Contract - Obtain a "Course Contract" from the folder labeled "Credit Recovery Contract" located in the File Bin.  Read the contract, and then take it home to have your parents review it with you.  Return it with both your parents and your signature.

A3. Ice Breaker - What's in a name?  As a way to introduce yourself to this course I want you to send me an email to describing yourself using a word or phrase that starts with each letter of your first name. In the Subject Line of the Email put your First and Last Name and then "What's in a name?"  Here is an example: John Smith - What's in a name?

Here is mine:
B - Broncos Fan
R - Religious 
E - Energetic
T - Tall
T - Total Sports Fanatic


Lesson 1 Intro to Chemistry

What is Chemistry?

VL1. Visit the following link What is chemistry? to watch a video lecture, and then answers the questions below on a sheet of paper.  When finished turn the assignment in to Mr. Lovette

1. What is chemistry?
2. What are five branches of chemistry?
3. Which branch of chemistry will you be learning in this course?

VL2. Visit the following link Scientific Method to watch a video lecture.  When finished watching the video continue to A4 below.

A4. Scientific Method Stories - Obtain the Worksheet "Chemistry Scientific Method" Located in File Bin - Complete the worksheet and turn in to Mr. Lovette.


Checkpoint #1

A5. Send me an email ( to let me know how things are going so far for you in this class. In the Subject Line of the Email put your First and Last Name and then "Checkpoint #1"  Here is an example: John Smith - Checkpoint #1

Please address the following questions:
         - What success are you having so far?  
         - What challenges are you having so far?
         - Is there anything you are unclear or confused about?
         - Are there any other concerns or comments you have?


Lesson 2 - Math Review

ST1Math Review - Obtain a "Math Review" handout from the folder labeled "Math Review" in the file bin. 
Login to Skills Tutor and complete the Math Review Lesson. 
Your username and password is your Student ID# and the "site" is atrisco01.  Make sure to record your score for each module and turn the "Math Review" handout in to Mr. Lovette when you have completed the lesson.


Lesson 3 - Matter and Change

ST2. Matter - Obtain a "Skills Tutor Matter" handout from the file bin.  Login to Skills Tutor and complete the lesson while also answering the questions on the handout. Your username and password for Skills Tutor is your Student ID# and the "site" is atrisco01. When you have completed the assignment turn the handout in to Mr. Lovette.

L1. States of Matter Simulation - Obtain a "Lab: States of Matter" handout from the file bin.  Follow the directions to complete the lab, when completed turn in to Mr. Lovette.

ST3. Matter - Obtain a "Skills Tutor State of Matter" handout from the file bin.  Login to Skills Tutor and complete the lesson while also answering the questions on the handout. Your username and password for Skills Tutor is your Student ID# and the "site" is atrisco01. When you have completed the assignment turn the handout in to Mr. Lovette.


Checkpoint #2

A6. Send me an email ( to let me know how things are going so far for you in this class. In the Subject Line of the Email put your First and Last Name and then "Checkpoint #2"  Here is an example: John Smith - Checkpoint #2

Please address the following questions:
         - What success are you having so far?  
         - What challenges are you having so far?
         - Is there anything you are unclear or confused about?
         - Are there any other concerns or comments you have?